Interactive VRCPhone (OSC) | Control spotify, discord, OBS and more! | NEW 2.0 UPDATE!!!!
Do you wanna see the time, control your Spotify, Discord, Twitch, OBS, OSCGoesBRR, and soon more INSIDE VRC??? WITH YOUR PHONE??? You're in the right place!
Also discord group has launched! If you need support, or just get sneak peeks, give ideas, or other stuff, do join!
Discord Server(Please if you do purchase the phone, use the instructions. There's a video in the download page to show you how to install it. If you have any issues, join the discord!)
VRCPhone 2.0 is here! It comes with bug fixes, refined animations, new wallpapers, an optimized new mesh, and a brand new function FindMyFriends!
With the new FindMyFriends map function, you can see where you are in the world! You can zoom in, out, and see where you are with the dynamic location dot.*
If you or your friends have the new VRCTag, or another VRCPhone/Vira device, you can see where eachother are in the world! And with privacy options to only allow friends to see you, or disable your icon all together!
And its all fully customizable! You can change the look of the icon and the tag in a simple file, to whatever you want! Included within the tag are more than 20 icons for you to choose from!
See (and show) your local time!
Control your music (Pause, backwards, and forwards)!
Control your discord!
Light up the world!
Take control of your OBS scenes!
Fully customizable!
And more features being updated regularly in the beta!
- This phone needs 19 free memory slots to work in your avatar. This isn't a lot, but it's always better to check. (if you don't care about other people seeing your local time synced up, you can remove those variables and end up needing 3 free memory slots)
- To install it easily, you'll need VRCFury. Open this link and follow the setup instructions:VRCFury Download
Important: Make sure your VRChat SDK is updated! VRCFury requires the latest VRChat SDK to function. - You also are gonna need VRCOSC:VRCOSC
For more advanced features scroll down to How to use the advanced features (Twitch/OBS integration, Maps, etc.) - Poyiomi is also needed. So if you haven't yet, go get it!Poiyomi
- You'll need Red's Simple Counter Shader (He's such a cool dude too, go give him love):Simple Counter Shader
- To modify the text as well as some of the icons, you need to download the San Francisco fonts:San Francisco Pro Fonts
Planned development:
- Add "windows generic media name" to the phone (So display the song name and artist on the phone)
- Add "windows volume control"
- End call discord interactions.
- Add notifications (Twitch integration. Have it so subs, follows, etc. show as notifications)
- VRCLens integration and interactions (Make the camera shortcut functional, make VRCLens display on the main display, and add the camera overlay of a certain fruit manufacturer)Finish OBS integration (Finish scene setup, control audio tracks)
- Finish Twitch Integration
- Add fitness tracking (so based on movement, how many calories are being burned/steps taken) (I wanna use the calculations from here. )
- Give haptic feedback
- Friend syncing (System similar to namedrop)
- Friend BRR (Control your friends BRR with your phone)
- And much more! (Keep an eye on updates!)
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